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I Am --> I Want to Become


In the Fall semester of 2022, I took H-200, which is an Intro to Honors course. This course introduced me to the Honors College at IUPUI and taught me many valuable skills and other knowledge that will aid my success in the honors program. Two assignments in this class were to create an "I Am Statement" at the beginning of the semester and an "I Want to Become Statement" at the end of the course. The purpose of these statements was for self-reflection and to identify the values and qualities that matter the most to me.

Even though this course was only eight weeks of my semester, I can see the growth that occurred from the first statement to the last. I still see myself as introverted, but I am more focused on pushing myself out of my comfort zone to be more comfortable in situations that require me to be more outgoing.

"I Am" Statement:
I am a very detailed person who is more on the introverted side. I love spending time with the people that are most important to me and making memories with them. I am empathetic and I care a lot about others. I love exploring new places and trying new coffees and foods. Others’ life experiences and successes inspire me and I love to learn from others.

"I Want to Become" Statement:
I am a junior at the Kelley School of Business at IUPUI majoring in management and marketing. I am a successful student now, but I want to become an honors student that is more outgoing, has better time-management skills, and challenges herself further. More importantly, I want to better myself to become a professional that is confident in her work, full of useful knowledge, and a participant in unique experiences.
I am more on the introverted side, but I want to make more connections with other students, professors, and professionals. I want to work on time-management strategies so I will be less stressed and have more time to do the things I love to do. I want to manage my time effectively so I can spend more time with the people I love without worrying about other responsibilities. I want to challenge myself more so that I can grow my strengths and diminish my weaknesses. I want to be a well-rounded student and professional that is confident in her skills and endeavors. Others’ life experiences and successes inspire me and I want to learn from those people. I also want to become a more adventurous person and someone that doesn't hesitate to chase opportunities, even if they are outside my comfort zone. I want to learn more about the world, experience different cultures, and try new foods and drinks.
Ultimately, I want to be fulfilled with where I am in life and with the person I have become. I know that achieving these goals will not come easily, but I believe that I have the tenacity to do what it takes to become the person I want to be.

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